
20 Biggest Celebrity Divorces of 2020

20 Biggest Celebrity Divorces of 2020

2020 has been a challenging year in many respects. The stress the year has brought is evident by the number of celebrity divorces that have occurred. Here are the top 20 divorces of the year.
1. Tracy Morgan and Megan Wollover
After five years of marriage, comedian Tracy Morgan...

Broken Promises: Enforcement of Divorce Judgments

Broken Promises: Enforcement of Divorce Judgments

You are divorced at long last, finally, receive your judgment of divorce, and are ready to move forward with your life. But then your spouse violates one or more of the terms of your decree. You have very clear rights should this happen and are entitled to enforcement, violation, and sometimes...

Critical Documents to Assemble Before Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

Critical Documents to Assemble Before Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

Once you've decided to file for divorce or your spouse has filed for divorce, you're likely in a hurry to obtain counsel to represent you in the case. When you first talk to an attorney you are considering hiring, they need information about your case and your situation to be able to offer any...

How to Get Spousal Support Before Your Divorce Is Final

How to Get Spousal Support Before Your Divorce Is Final

Divorce is not a fast process. From the time you first meet with your lawyer to the day the judge signs your judgment of divorce could easily be one to two years. Divorces amongst the wealthy are particularly complex, requiring careful identification and valuation of myriad assets and can take a...

Same-Sex Divorce and Asset Division

Same-Sex Divorce and Asset Division

An important and complex aspect of any divorce is the distribution of assets and debts the couple has accumulated. When the couple is a same-sex couple who have been together since before same sex marriage was legally recognized, this complex process becomes particularly convoluted especially if a...

Why You Should Never Be Your Own Lawyer (Especially in Divorce)

Why You Should Never Be Your Own Lawyer (Especially in Divorce)

Halle Berry recently decided to represent herself in her divorce from Oliver Martinez. The couple married in 2013 and separated in 2015. News outlets reported their divorce was finalized in 2016. However, by 2018, it was reported that a final parenting plan had never been filed with the court. To...

Double-Dipping and Business Valuation in a Divorce

Double-Dipping and Business Valuation in a Divorce

The division of assets in a divorce is crucial to the financial futures of the spouses. A fair division of assets is required under New York state equitable distribution law. For many couples, a professional license or practice (think doctor, lawyer, or dentist) or a business is a key asset in...

Jolie-Pitt Case Highlights Potential Problems with Private Judges

Jolie-Pitt Case Highlights Potential Problems with Private Judges

Recently we talked about how private judges can offer a way to keep your divorce proceeding completely private. When you and your spouse retain a retired judge to act as an arbitrator for your divorce, your case becomes completely private--only the arbitrated settlement submitted to the state court...

Phantom and Imputed Income in Divorce

Phantom and Imputed Income in Divorce

Income plays a significant role in divorce proceedings. The parties' incomes are central to determinations about child support and spousal support (alimony). Complete financial disclosure is required as part of the divorce proceedings and this disclosure includes income. The court cannot set child...

Divorce in the Spotlight

Divorce in the Spotlight

Divorce is one of the most difficult things to face in your life. On the Life Change Index that ranks common stressors in life, divorce is the second highest item, falling only beneath the death of a spouse. Managing divorce is challenging for anyone, but it becomes particularly onerous when one or...