
Jolie-Pitt Case Highlights Potential Problems with Private Judges

Jolie-Pitt Case Highlights Potential Problems with Private Judges

Recently we talked about how private judges can offer a way to keep your divorce proceeding completely private. When you and your spouse retain a retired judge to act as an arbitrator for your divorce, your case becomes completely private--only the arbitrated settlement submitted to the state court...

Phantom and Imputed Income in Divorce

Phantom and Imputed Income in Divorce

Income plays a significant role in divorce proceedings. The parties' incomes are central to determinations about child support and spousal support (alimony). Complete financial disclosure is required as part of the divorce proceedings and this disclosure includes income. The court cannot set child...

Divorce in the Spotlight

Divorce in the Spotlight

Divorce is one of the most difficult things to face in your life. On the Life Change Index that ranks common stressors in life, divorce is the second highest item, falling only beneath the death of a spouse. Managing divorce is challenging for anyone, but it becomes particularly onerous when one or...

When to Fire Your Divorce Attorney

When to Fire Your Divorce Attorney

You have specific goals for your divorce, and you must have a lawyer who is prepared to achieve your objectives and will fight vigorously to attain them. You have one case and one opportunity to convince the court that your position is the correct one. If you aren't pleased with how your attorney...

Why Where You Live Matters for Your Divorce

Why Where You Live Matters for Your Divorce

How your marital assets are divided in your divorce hinges on many things, but the first and most important issue is where you live. Each state has its own laws about divorce. States fall into two groups when it comes to property division laws: community property states and equitable distribution...

Dr. Dre's Wife Files for Divorce

Dr. Dre's Wife Files for Divorce

Music star Dr. Dre's 24-year marriage is ending in divorce. His wife Nicole Young, age 50, has filed for divorce in Los Angeles County Superior Court via her celebrity attorney Samantha Spector. Dr. Dre, age 55, whose given name is Andre Young, is best known for being a member of N.W.A. and having...

The Tax Implications of Divorce

The Tax Implications of Divorce

Your divorce involves a significant amount of asset transfers. New York state uses the doctrine of equitable distribution to determine how assets will be shared in a divorce. Property is distributed in a way that is fair but not necessarily an equal split. When property is distributed in divorce,...

The 4-1-1 on Common Law Divorce

The 4-1-1 on Common Law Divorce

It is increasingly common for couples to cohabit without marriage paperwork. You can share a household, finances, real property, debt, assets, and children without getting a marriage license. However, when your relationship ends, dissolving the ties that bind you can be more complicated simply...

11 Post-Divorce Actions to Take To Start Your New Life

11 Post-Divorce Actions to Take To Start Your New Life

Once your divorce judgment is issued your marriage is legally over. However, there are still important steps to take to realign your life with your new status and set yourself up for success.
Here are 11 areas to take immediate action for your new life:
Estate Planning

How Equitable Distribution Impacts Your NY Divorce

How Equitable Distribution Impacts Your NY Divorce

Most of the legal work and disputes in a high conflict divorce deal with asset division. Enumerating, valuing, and dividing your assets are key components of your divorce. You and your attorney will need to maximize your distribution of assets, but the distribution standards and processes are...