
The Impact of Adultery on Divorce in New York State

The Impact of Adultery on Divorce in New York State

Many marriages that end in divorce involve adultery or cheating. If infidelity has occurred in your marriage, this is a fact your divorce attorney must be informed about, because it can significantly affect several aspects of your divorce. That’s especially true if you file for divorce in New...

How to Protect Your Inheritance During Divorce

How to Protect Your Inheritance During Divorce

Divorce can be stressful on many levels. When you are preparing to file for divorce, the last thing you need is anxiety about part of your family inheritance going to your spouse. As an equitable distribution state, New York allows for separate property to be kept by each spouse following divorce....

Removing an Unfair Judge from your Family Court Case

Removing an Unfair Judge from your Family Court Case

Umpires are supposed to call balls and strikes consistently for both teams. Referees should throw penalty flags without thinking about which side will benefit. So, too, judges in family court should apply the law evenly and examine evidence without prejudice. Unfortunately, none of these arbiters...

How Long Can a Divorce Be Put on Hold in New York?

How Long Can a Divorce Be Put on Hold in New York?

Divorces, like relationships, can be complicated. Couples who may be set on divorce one day might rethink their decision the next. When spouses aren’t sure if they’re ready to move forward, it is possible to put a divorce on hold.
New York courts do not put a deadline on a divorce...

What We Can Learn About Mental Health and Divorce from Kim and Kanye

What We Can Learn About Mental Health and Divorce from Kim and Kanye

Mental illness can be devastating not only for the person experiencing it but for their loved ones as well. For a spouse, the stress and difficulty of coping with erratic mood swings and shocking or dangerous behavior from a partner with mental illness can easily become unbearable. It’s no...

Why You Should Not Move out of Your Home During your Divorce

Why You Should Not Move out of Your Home During your Divorce

Once a married couple has decided on divorce, it’s customary for one spouse to move out of the family home. This may be beneficial in reducing tensions in the household, and in extreme cases, necessary to ensure the safety of one partner and their children. But acquiescing to this custom...

What To Know About Lisa Marie Presley’s Divorce

What To Know About Lisa Marie Presley’s Divorce

The only child of Elvis Presley has lived a tumultuous life, and she has had an equally rocky divorce from her ex-husband Michael Lockwood.
Lisa Marie Presley divorced Lockwood, a struggling musician and producer, in 2016 after 10 years of marriage. He was her fourth husband after musician...

6 of the Most Expensive Divorces and What We Can Learn from Them

6 of the Most Expensive Divorces and What We Can Learn from Them

“From those to whom much is given, much is expected.” These were words from Bill Gates’ mother to Melinda French Gates before she and Bill married. Her words foretold the enormous payout Gates would have to make in their divorce. The Gates divorce is just one of the most expensive...

What You Need to Know About Social Security and Divorce

What You Need to Know About Social Security and Divorce

Social Security payments can be impacted by divorce if certain requirements are met. Although Social Security payments may not make up a significant portion of your current or future income your rights regarding these payments are an important part of your retirement benefits as determined in a...