
Celebrity Harassers' Wives: Best Moves Amidst Crisis

Celebrity Harassers' Wives: Best Moves Amidst Crisis

Divorce can be a messy experience – especially when the husband is facing harassment charges. If the topic of divorce comes up, how are the wives of Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein and Garrison Keillor going to safeguard their part of the marital estate?
“It’s important to act...

New York City Divorce: New Yorkers are Different – Rules & Realities

New York City Divorce: New Yorkers are Different – Rules & Realities

New York City divorce is anything but typical.
With its cultural diversity, wide socioeconomic range and distinct occupations, New York City divorce is in a realm of its own. High net worth New York City families face challenging asset valuation and equitable distribution obstacles. New York...